your love is my drug.

Life is crazy man, People come and go
But when the closest one goes it's the hardest thing ever
Cause they can wait for a moment I promise

Don't cry for me when I'm gone 
No point in wasting tears
Our time will come one day 
And I'm just confronting my fears
Though it's not really a fear
It's more like a destiny
Some times I sit and wonder
Is this life really for me?
Cause I've seen, heard, felt and done 
I hope you're proud of where I've come
You've seen me grow, and helped me through 
And there is no repaying you 
I'm here and I feel like I'm delaying you 
Betraying you, but when I'm gone 
I hope there's someone saving you man

I want to see your face every time I come home 
Cause I can't leave it like this in this cold world alone
But in this life were living
Who knows when I'll be gone 
I don't want to leave you with what ifs, Held in for long
To the world, there's too much to prove
But sometimes I wonder what I really have to lose 
And then I really see it's not all about me 
I want to show you from this harsh mad reality
Cause it's real

It wasn't meant to end like this 
Not without you

Life's so crazy but I've lived mine well
I hope you do the same thing 
And I hope you don't fail
If anyone tries to bring you down 
Just stay strong don't argue the fact that you're right
And their wrong

And so you can be influenced and just stand there strong
Everybody's human, and everybody's equal
So don't listen to nobody cause everybody's people 
So , Stay with me
Don't fall asleep too soon 
The angels can wait for a moment.

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